Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Chapter 23 - Rogues History of Barbados

This spirited, sometime amiusing and always tru and informative, starts with "an Ialnad Stands Alone." When the Britsh got their with ships of men to settle it and claim it fo the king, it was bare and deserted. It had It sat like a coral rock, thick with woods, sticking out of the sea and miles away from anywhere; lost, forgotten, and unwanted. 

The English settled it by fate, luck, and bad advice, and no one dared to take it. But you need to read the book Rogues in Paradise to understand this tale. 

Grab a free sample of the book chapters at https://sample.Roguesinparadise.com 

Discover the errors and accidents that made Barbados what it is with a unique perspective on what it meant. 

Barbados Named after the beaded fig Tree. It was the Portuguese sailor Pedro a Campus who named it the Bearded one, Barbados. 


The fig tree sends it roots out from overhanging branches and do look rather like a tree with a beard. 

Hence the name Barbados, the bearded one. Get more tips and insights like this with the book Rogues in Paradise.


Life-Lessons from Paradise: Sometimes the gems you seek are things you stumble upon. Take time to notice where you step. 

See more chapter videos like this https://RoguesinParadise.com/chapter-videos

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