Monday, November 29, 2021

Rogues in Paradise - Acreola Musing #5

ACE is a striking man: fit and agile, slim and tall—dressed in flowing clothes. He often wears a long-sleeved shirt that he leaves open, flapping in the breeze as he walks with long, purposeful strides through the village. His deep-brown eyes greet you with a smile. He is cheerful and charming, always obliging. He is a divious charmer who skirts on the edge of the law. He smokes a bit of dope and dabbles with cocaine. It's an expensive habit, and sometimes, he has to borrow a bit to afford his lifestyle. But, he says, "I don't trouble those who care, and only those with cash to spare." He is one of the characters of Rogues in Paradise. The hidden Patchwork of Barbados Extraordinary Ordinary Caribbean People, Rogues, Heroes in time, place, and history. Grab your Free copy of several chapters at

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