Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Rogues Histry of the Spanish Caribbean



The Spanish wars in the Caribbean and South America changed history for all people in the region. It is not well known to many in Barbados and other Caribbean islands which were forever changed by the Spanish occupation and the decades of wars with the British, French and Dutch. 


See the full story at

Monday, February 6, 2023

Rogues Early Colonial History of Slavery


 The early colonials created the Caribbean sugar industry, and Barbados became the formost producer of sugar and rum.. It was a major export, and made Barbados the most successful plantocracy- All with the free labour of African slaves. Read about this checkered past in the book Rogues in Paradise. Get your FREE sample chapters at This dates back to 1600 and the age of Discovery and Adventure When Rogues Roamed the Seas in search of treasures for the empire. 
